Nexting Ecosystem
A Dynamic network of interconnected entities, initiatives, and innovations

These components form the foundation of the Nexting Ecosystem, creating synergies, driving collaboration, and unlocking new possibilities for innovation and growth. By leveraging the collective expertise, resources, and networks of our ecosystem, we are shaping the future and creating value that extends far beyond individual entities.

Incubator arm
We incubate and accelerate the growth of startups and ventures that share our vision for creating positive impact.

Coaching / Mentorship
Strategic support
Nurtures / Trainings
Parent Company
Nexting, the visionary parent company holding a diverse portfolio of subsidiaries, each a beacon of innovation, growth, and possibility.

Investment arm
Dedicated to identifying and investing in high-potential opportunities across various sectors.

Shared Service arm
ACHO is backbone of Nexting. Providing a wide range of support services and solutions to streamline operations, drive efficiency, and optimize performance.

Performance Marketing
Tech & Data
Content Productions
Event Management
Global Customer Service
People, Culture & Growth
Corporate Development
Corporate arm
ARMS&Partner offers strategic consulting and advisory services to businesses and organizations seeking to navigate complex challenges, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth.

Merge & Acquisition
‍Legal & Compliance
Accounts & Finance